

Ayurveda is a holistic healing science of India dating back to 3000 B.C. The Sanskrit term “Ayurveda” is composed of two words “Ayu” + “Veda”. Ayu means life and Veda means knowledge or science. So the two words combine to give the meaning “the science of life” or “the knowledge about life” or “a sensible way of living”.

Ayurveda is the knowledge that indicates what is appropriate and inappropriate for life, happy and sorrowful condition of life, what is auspicious and inauspicious for longevity, as well as the measure of life (life span) itself. Ayurveda is also a system of medicine in the sense that it regulates and applies the knowledge about health and diseases (i.e.) of balanced and unbalanced states of living beings and how unbalanced states can be corrected and the restored balance is maintained.

The key aims of Ayurveda are as follows:

  • To maintain the health of healthy people
  • To cure the diseases of ailing people FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF AYURVEDA

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