A-oxy (Amla) Capsules – Natural Anti Oxidant


Standardized Extract of Amla ( Emblica officinalis)

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Emblica officinalis
Amla fruit is reported to contain high amounts of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), 445 mg / 100 g. The fruit also contains flavonoids, kaempferol, ellagic acid and gallic acid. It may be used as a rasayana to promote longevity, and to enhance digestion, treat constipation, reduce fever, purify the blood, reduce cough, alleviate asthma, strengthen the heart, benefit the eyes, stimulate hair growth, enliven the body, and enhance intellect.


  • Anti oxidant
  • Natural Vitamin C Provider
  • Rasayana

Diet & Routine
Eat a nutritious diet that includes ample of fruits, nuts and seeds as well as easily digestible foods such as whole grains, cooked leafy-green vegetables, and vegetable soups. Exercise regularly.

Suggested Use

  • Adult 1-2 caplets/ caps thrice a day with water.
  • Child – 1 caplet/ cap twice a day or as directed by your health provider

Additional information


.1 g